「ここで一句(koko de ikku)」

For a joint project between a certain company and a university, I created a location-based AR haiku application, as the title of this article says. The name of the app is “ここで一句(Koko de Ikku)” . “ここ(koko)” has a double-meaning of the Japanese word for place and the word for the current time.

App Detail

This app consists of a 詠む(write) and 観る(see) screen.

  • 詠む(write)
    You can write haiku with your brush. When you write the top haiku(上の句), middle haiku(中の句), and bottom haiku(下の句), the haiku(句) will be saved with the location where you write it.

  • 観る(see)
    As shown in the image below, when you press 観る(see), a list of haiku close to yor location will be displayed in AR.You can relive the scene where the haiku was actually written.


I developed an AR application with Unity, which is mainly the front-end side. I used AR Foundation as the framework.

Final Thougts

It was my first time to develop an AR application.I tried to develop with flutter and swift, but finally decided to use Unity. Flutter was interesting to use, and I will try to make something with it in the future if I have time.